Thursday, August 28, 2008

Breaking Down...

Sometime I sit and wonder Why Me? I don't want to but it just happens. When you find out your son has cancer the day before you give birth to your third child. Going to the doctor and putting my poor Colby through so many test, and pokes. With the medical bills piling up and I can't even afford to pay them. Then I find a mouse in my house and catching 15 more before we get the problem fixed.
Thinking everything was going okay, we went on a trip to Utah which was fine, until Colby fell out of the Cabella's basket on his head, and Oscar came home with scratches all up his legs. Then coming home with flies and spiders all over the house. Then the other night I was moving my entertainment center (to sell because I have no money I need to sell everything I own) I found a dead mouse, yes dead! and decomposing! Gross theres where the flies came from. Can my house be anymore Unheathly. Well Yes......
When things couldn't get any better for me My bathroom is falling apart and I find POOP coming out of the bottom of the toilet. How the heck does that happen.
I am tired and am just getting more tired. I need a day at a spa or something to pamper me.



Joleen said...

Hang in there Brenda!!!!
When my twins were born (10 weeks premie), Tim was also starting finals week at BSU, and starting a new post at work the next day, Karina was in a wheelchair from having surgery the week before and couldn't walk, and it was 2 weeks before Christmas-we hadn't even started shopping yet!!!!
It will get better!!! It might get worse 1st -Sorry- But eventually, it WILL get better!!!
Just hang in there and take it one day (or hour, or even moment) at a time!! :)
I know sometimes it just helps to vent!

Julie Randall said...

Luckily Heavenly Father will not give you more than you can handle. I'm here when you need me. Love ya.