This weekend was our 7th Randall Family Reunion. It was alot of fun. This one was hosted by my dad in Boise Idaho. We hung out, talked, and ate, and ate, and there was some more eating. Thursday Night the families started to show up. We just hung out at my parents and ate Spaghetti and just sat around and talked.
Friday after breakfast we went to the hotel and hung out at the pool and swam. After the pool we drove up to Shaffer Butte, Half way up the hill two cars broke down, and Izzy threw up so we headed back to my parents to eat there.
Saturday the family went rafting. That night we went to the school and played games, later we watched slides of the Aunts and Uncles growing up.
....Memory Lane!!!! I got this from a friend's blog and it was neat to remind her of some of our fun experiences. I thought this would be a great way to see what others have experienced. I can't wait to see what everyone remembers and how many people comment!! Lets see the good and the bad!!
1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I have together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see what memories people have of you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses.
I just can't figure it out. Who is in charge... Evan, Me, or the Boys. Oscar and Colby decided that it would be fun to dump all the salt and pepper on the table and floor. Guess who was suppose to be watching the Boys.
Evan was supposed to be outside watching the boys. I looked out the window and found Oscar on top of my car and Colby locked in the car. And where was Evan... he was in the back of the garage with his back to the boys.
On Tuesday morning I went in to the hospital to have Nellie. I was put in a room by 7:30am, the nurses started my IV, took blood, and got my paper work all signed. By 9:00am I had my epidural . By 10:30am i was completely dilated. The nurses called the doctor in. Dr Lowder came in and was talking just standing around. I then said "Is she coming?" Dr Lowder looked and there she was with her head hanging out. He pulled her out and she was here. I didn't even have to push, it was a very easy labor.
Nellie is 7lbs 7ounces, 20 inches long, with a full head of hair.